Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just an Ordinary Week...

Happy Sunday to anyone who bothers reading this! I hope you all had a great week last week and are ready for another one to begin!

So in a nut shell my last week has consisted of shopping, Starbucks, texting, photo shoots, shopping, Starbucks, McDonald's,texting, Starbucks, and work, an impromptu weekend get away, oh and throw a lot of snow in with all of that which of course gives me a chance to wear the hat Kyle bought me for my birthday!

I spend entirely too much time doing this....
Large Fries, Quarter pounder, extra cheese, add the mac sauce if you please..Yeah I'm way to friendly with McDonald's!

Monday I went to a Nike store..Was able to find something for all of my brothers there and mark them off my to do list. Had a blast while I was in there too, I think  I was making the store staff a bit nervous though, guess they really don't like it when you refashion the mannequins..but those male mannequins looked hot with tennis skirts on! I did apologize for the loss of limbs that occurred in the process, and one kind of lost his head..I made it up to him! In my defense though do you know how hard it is to dress a mannequin without being caught? Trust me not an easy task!
No one better mess with my headless man!
It could be a problem when the headless mannequin has a better smize than I do (smiling with your eyes for those who don't watch ANTM)
Told you I made it up to him.. we're just following the Nike motto, Just Do It..not sure why everyone was looking at us so odd..people are so judgmental!

Tuesday brought more snow and more Starbucks,and of course strength training, and nothing of any excitement value...then came Wednesday....

I love my hat so much! Thank you Kyle!

What happened Wednesday? I'm glad you asked! I got accepted and became a Smut girl..and my father had his first true aneurysm...You've never heard of Smut? No I don't mean that kind of smut, we've all heard of that kind of smut..I'm talking SMUT...yeah its a clothing line based out of the UK..and well the name pretty well says it all...I've gotten a sneak peek at a few upcoming photo shoots..and I'll be definitely living up to it..if I nail the photos. My profile for Smut can be found if you just click here!...   if you want to see some of my first smut photos check out  My Tumblr Click Here! ! Be sure to follow so you don't miss any of my photos!

Full body Smut profile photo

Close up from my Profile photo shoot for Smut
Thursday..Thursday was a busy day, I went on several go sees, didn't book anything I don't think..anyways haven't heard back from anyone, had a photo shoot,  and of course I had..what? Yep you guessed it, strength training.. I have to admit I was seriously considering giving it up, once I was done performing, wondered if I really needed it. Now with this new contract and since I met Drake, no doubt I need it! Drake's agreed to do a few of the Smut photo shoots with me so you'll be seeing his face on my tumblr and trust me its a nice one with the body to match and yes Drake I know you are reading this, you can wipe the smirk off your face now...

Of course all that shopping required an energy boost brought to you by Starbucks..but on the plus side most of Christmas is finished now!
Shopping for everyone is exhausting..alright so the Victoria's Secret was a side shopping trip for me...

Friday was just work and preparing to meet Drake for the weekend, and well you all can use your imagination for what my weekend has held..but blame Drake for it being Sunday before I can finally get this thing published.. 

I'll be spending today with the family and just being lazy, I think after the week I've had I've earned a day of laying around and doing nothing..laundry can wait for Monday.  

I guess I'll end by responding to the comments I got on my first post. I am so impressed someone cares enough about what they are reading to bother taking the time to comment, negative or not it means I've evoked some sort of response from you strong enough to be worth you taking time from your life to write something. I am honestly and sincerely flattered. For those who stood up for me, thank you as well, I really can't begin to tell you how much that meant to me!  I appreciate anyone who reads or takes the time to comment.

Anyways there you have it, all in all a pretty typical week in my life..and no worries again, won't bore you all to tears with every detail of what I ate and such every week..just a little peek into what my days hold.

Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm here

I'm staring at this large expanse of white trying to figure out how to start this thing and for the last hour I've been failing in a big way. Only I'm a Sinclair, and really failure isn't in our vocabulary, we might stumble or fall but that's not an excuse to give up, in fact that's just reason to push ahead harder. So there it is, my first sentences written onto a blank page, and failure a distant memory.

Why am I doing this? Is this a diary? Maybe of sorts, maybe not, I'm not sure how comfortable I am writing my deepest darkest secrets for the whole world to see. Instead we'll find a happy middle ground. The thought that someone might even waste their precious minutes reading this is rather a strange one to me, but if you are out there, and you've deemed my thoughts valuable enough to linger over, hello you, my reader, and thank you for stopping by, I hope you return and say hey back!

I guess the best place to start anything is at the beginning so that is where I shall begin. Alright? Zalright! *Said with extremely bad and cheesy accent*

Obviously my name is Grace Sinclair. Only that wasn't the name I was given at birth, that name was lost when my mother left my brother and myself at the orphanage in Kazkhastan along with any records of our birth. We called that orphanage home for three years, and really before the people I call mom and dad found us, those are mostly my only memories of life, living there. It wasn't some horrible scene from a movie. The nuns were good to us, kind if not efficient out of necessity. There were so many of us and so few of them, sacrifices were made, had to be made.Those women gave me a birthday and called me Птичка, or little bird.  I was six years old when a group of people showed up. I didn't know it then, but those people were about to become  family. They were to be my future aunts, uncles, and parents and the ones who would name me Grace.

(I'm the second girl from the left, and number 9 would be the small bump in my mom's stomach..oh and yeah that's her and my dad in the middle..he's got the shaved head..she's pregnant easy enough)
OK so I'll do the condensed version,I'm sure in the future there will be reasons for more details. Here it goes. Zac, my brother, and I were adopted, brought to America knowing no English, learned English, grew up happy with our other seven at the time and now eight siblings,

Along the way we moved into a castle on top of a mountain with about a hundred or more other occupants. Yeah its huge and most think its kind of creepy, and yes there are rumors that it does indeed have a real dungeon but we are all discouraged heavily from wandering down there as people have gotten lost before, I guess its kind of a maze underneath. Anyways creepy or not it's my home.

Now  here I am 18, and just moved into my own apartment, inside the castle of course, chasing my dreams and determined to catch them.

I currently just finished performing in a community theater rendition of Cats and the reviews were fantastic, I was Victoria, and while it was crazy busy during the days of rehearsal, I loved every minute of it. I also work three days a week teaching ballet to toddlers and beginning children. I love my job and hope to begin working full time in the near future and teaching more advanced classes.

I also model, currently just for my aunt, but again I'm hoping that will change, meanwhile I just got my first big break, a perfume ad for Dior, I'm way more than a little excited. I mean who wouldn't be? My face is going to be in magazines, and  on posters in stores, and maybe one day I'll walk by and see myself on a bus or billboard!

The first official print of the poster is now hanging in my new workout room to remind me of my goals when things get rough.

So there it is, my introduction..I can't promise all posts will be this long in fact you may be relieved to hear they probably won't be even close, but I'll try to keep you updated on my life and struggles, and I'll try to be as honest as I can be.

So keep reading because this little bird has leaped out of the nest and I'm going to fly, and I'm glad to have you along for the ride!